Unpacking "Missionary"
An explanation of the poem excerpted in The Nation

Happy Pride & New Publications—Plus a Summer Abroad
New poems at Poets.org and The Nation, plus conferences in Amsterdam & Bilbao, Spain, & a St. Paul-de-Vence sojourn for Baldwin's 100th

Old Poem, New Light for World AIDS Day 2023
I grew up as an autonomous, loved, Black child, who was taught to love myself just as I am, including all of the ways that I'm 'disabled.' "

Florida Education Fund, FSU Award Me Yearlong Pre-Tenure Fellowship & Sabbatical
Here's a recent story about how I've spent this blessed academic year! #fsu #mcknightfellow

AWP 2021 Chat Now Live on YouTube!
One of the best conversations I've had in recent years—with Saleem Hue Penny, Raymond Antrobus, & @radicalpoetics (Khadijah Queen)—on...

Doc Film, Fellowships and Finishing These Books
I know it's been a long time since I posted here: nearly six years in fact. In that time, I've been honored to finish my first...
Featured @ American Poetry Blog w/Abdul Ali
The always brilliant poet, journalist, & teacher Abdul Ali asked me to reflect on Sacrilegion, my soon-to-be 4-year-old baby, as I work...

Close Reading of "Human Immunodeficiency Virus" from SACRILEGION in Vinyl
I can't believe Sacrilegion, my debut collection, turns 3 in a couple of weeks. Carolina Wren Press is in its third or fourth printing,...
Happy 2016! New Poem, New Essay
Thanks for stopping by to see what I've been up to as I've been hiding on the Inter/net(s). A new poem, "Games," has been published in...
PRIME named Poetry Foundation Staff Pick of 2014
H. Melt, the Poetry Foundation's education and youth services assistant, says of Prime: Poetry & Conversation (2014): "This collection...